Monday, March 27, 2006

Again & Again

So on occassion I make CD's for people at work. While doing so I try to "HIP" them to other songs from wanted artists that they might not be aware of... It N E V E R works. Now coming from a town that has been dominated by the Clear Channel formula for pert near twenty five years, trying to educate people in the knowledge that the Doobie Brothers have more songs than "Jesus is just alright with me,"is quite a daunting task. Have you ever heard South City Midnight Lady? An absolutely beautiful song. A driving song no doubt, which infuriates me even more because a "driving CD" was the order of the day.
There are, at my job, on any given day ten to fifteen radios at various levels of volume and every day on every radio I pass by, I hear the same fucking songs again and again. The only exception of course being my Sirius Sattelite Radio, but... We've already delved into that arena.
I just can't get past the thought that people here, Cincinnati being the here, that are just content to hear the same thing again and again and again and again. God it drives me fucking nuts. Even more infuriating is the wall I run up against at trying to broaden anyones horizons. If it's not a song they know from the radio, they don't want it... Period.
To know the Eurythemics ( yeah i realize that's probably not the right spelling, but it's not in the spell check and FUCK YOU anyway if you're petty enough to point it out) and not know any of Annie Lennox's solo music is a crime. Yeah Audioslave's and Disturbed's new albums are sweet, but go past the singles and dig a few cuts deeper into the disks to see just how great those albumns are. I do. My friends do. But my co-workers... No mas.
So I make their compilations and collect my fee and listen to the songs they play on their new CD's echoed by the live radios playing the same shit merely yards away... UGH . Free F.M.? Keep it.


Blogger BDC said...

Cincinnati radio is like being locked in a time capsule that was buried in 1987--The same music, the same worn-out Gary Burbank shtick, Cunningham and Furman inciting the easy passions of their adoring redneck audience base, day-in and day-out. Blame deregulation, or rather the further empowerment of corporations by the neo-conservatives who control our government and increasingly, our courts.

10:11 AM  
Blogger BIG said...

I don't see the problem here. You got some sort of problem wiht AC DC?

Niiiiice work on the Fly and Whiskey stuff.

5:34 AM  

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