Cool artwork. Cool story?

Surf's up boys and girls at the 'ol HOUSE of Marvel. "Civil War is beginning shortly and it looks to actually be a pretty good event in the Marvel Universe. For the uninitiated this premise was floated out there about twenty five or so years ago by one John Byrne and Chris Claremont in the now classic "Days of Future Past" from Uncanny X-Men 141-142. The idea was that after an influential senator was assassinated by the Brotherhood of evil mutants, the government enacted a mandatory "registration" act for all mutants. Two issues after this mind blowing concept(at the time) planted the seed of possibility John Byrne, who's idea it was mostly anyway, left the X-Men to add his take on the Fantastic Four because he and Claremont couldn't agree where to take the X-Men from there. Byrne was receiving Co- plotting credit in these years and it was a constant tug of war at the helm. History shows that Claremont clearly won that little battle, but in the twenty five years that followed was never quite capable of re addressing this particular storyline with any amount of success.
Well now Marvel is attempting to address the idea once again. This time the entire Marvel Universe is enveloped and the issue on the table is for EVERY person possessing super natural abilities to register with the government. Needless to say this causes a rift amongst our Merry Band of Marching Marvel Characters... :) Lines are drawn and sides are chosen. I'm sure my expectations won't be met, but at least the covers are providing some cool artwork of us to ogle over. Michael Turner has illustrated some gorgeous covers for this series, as well as the fellow who painted the Silver Surfer above. If you want to see more of their work on this topic please visit and visit the archives sections referring to "Civil War" I just hope they do this storyline some justice since it hasn't ever really been done right since it was first introduced.
On another note... Does anyone have an old Geo Metro that I can buy!?! Christ!! Three fucking dollars for a gallon of gas!?! FUCK ME!! ( Calm down Big, I didn't mean that literally.)
For those who didn't see my referral of "Thief" Tuesday evenings on FX @ 10:00, on Duggies comments page, please give this show a look see. It's really well though out and acted. Andre Braugher is the lead character in it . Anyone who was a fan of "Homicide, life on the streets" will remember his brilliant portrayal of Det. Frank Pembelton. He's just as good here. Much like the Shield and 24, if you watch it, you'll love it.
And does anyone give a good FUCK where Reggie Bush's family lived for the last couple of years!? Jesus Christ people!!! U.S. Men and women are being killed in Iraq so Bush and the boys can rebuild it and make themselves a ton of money... Investigate THAT you FUCKING GUTTLESS TURDS!!! I think we should put an end to the fucking charade of ethics and morals that parades itself around as college athletics boys and girls. Everybody cheats... EVERYBODY! This is common knowledge people, we know this. Just like we knew the boys of summer were "Juicing in the Nineties" Cheating is part of the American way. It's fucking sad, but it's true. Just ask the India- OOH, Uh I mean the Native Americans... "Just win baby."
I'll catch up on the Marvel Civil War when it goes to TPB and I can leisurely read it (for free :-) in a comfy chair at Barnes and Noble. It has to be better than the steaming turd that was "House of M" last year. You know its bad when the Marvel apologists at Wizard dog it unmercifully.
It's been interesting watching how high gas prices had to get before the Republican majority finally responded--high enough that the rich folk have to cut back on their golfing because of the twice-weekly $120 gas fill-ups for their Lincoln Navagators. Of course the free market is the answer to EVERYTHING in Republican world, except ultra-greedy Oil companies getting too ultra-greedy. America really needs another FDR to come along and level the playing field for the little guy.
I am wishing that I still had my old Metro now. Diesel is already up to $3.00 a gallon at most places. If regular gas goes to $3.50 diesel will be $4.00
I was at the gas station a few weeks ago and there was a guy filling up his tricked out Hummer, the full size one not the H2. He finished before I did and I went to see how much his total was. It was $95.00! I couldn't imagine that, especially when those beasts only get about 10 miles to the gallon. It's getting hard out here being a pimp.
The Surfer painting is sweet, I think I might have to wait for the trade also.
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