Hey all, as per Chris' question in the comments section, yes I have a woman now. Her name is Julia and she's a sweety. We met through a mutual friend at a skater party of all places. So the cat is now out of the proverbial bag... Talk amonst yourselves :)
Good for you dude! She is cute, can't wait to meet her! What the hell were you doing at a skater party is the real question now?!
There was a guy at work... Who quit thursday btw who partners with a couple of his friends out at Skateland on 747. He invited me up to talk about possibly designing some tribal artwork to put on their skateboards. Met with his friends and we just gelled.
Julia is friends with his wife. They knew each other from way back. She was at one of the parties and we began talking and goofing around and it just morphed into what it is.
She lives in Corbin though, so she's only up here every few weeks or so. Kinda sucks, but it gives us plenty of "me" time :)
The great joke on the Sopranos...
What's the worst thing about being a skater?
Telling your parents you're gay.
She's got some nice eyewear. Way to go, Fyke!
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