Resting on Peyton's arm...

Okay, so I'm running an NFL playoff bracket at work. Twelve teams, twelve people at $20.00 a pop. I now find myself in the unenviable position of having to root for "playoff underachieving" Peyton Manning and the Colts. Not a bad spot for round one. They shellacked the Chiefs... Eventually(despite three INT's). But the second round finds me pitted against the vaunted Baltimore Ravens defense. I can feel my money slipping away. ... Go Colts!!!
The question is whether the Colts' defense is made up of a bunch of under-achievers peaking at the right time or if Trent Green is in free-fall quarterback in decline mode. I think its was a little of both in that game.
I'm also starting to wonder if years of playoff futility led to less offseason work between Peyton and his receivers this past year.
As long as they stay in the play-offs, have their games on Staurday nights, and keep the denizens of Indianapolis in their homes or at the dome - and not at the movies, I'm happy.
Looks like that Colts D may be peaking at the right time afterall! The Chargers or Pats pack a whole lot more offensive firepower than than the Ravens though.
I am sure New England crushed alot of peoples brackets yesterday.
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