Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday totals

So overall it was a great weekend as far as being super productive at the 'ol drawing table. I even found a few designs from waaaay back in the day that I still like today, just throw in some color and BAMM!! Coolness prevails. The grand total was twenty one designs in all for the weekend are now in the computer. Seventeen previously un inked, now inked and in the computer, and three of which I found having already been inked, just added them to the file. I have one more that was too big to scan, but that one will be added soon.
Anyway, I hope I'm not boring you guys with all of this, but I enjoy the hell out of it, and I'm hoping to use them in several capacities, here in the coming year.
Henry has asked me to design a fortieth tattoo design for his old crusty ass, so that will be my next project. As soon as it starts taking life, I will give you guys a peek. Now Fuck Off, I'm busy!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Ooooh, pretty colors.

So this was the view outside my bedroom window tonight. Absolutely gorgeous. There was even a rainbow to the east. Friday night and a four day Christmas weekend is upon us. I hope to get a ton of designing work done in those four days. With views like this to inspire me, I'm sure I'll be kicking much ass. GOD I love this digital camera!!! Do you realize how many awesome sunsets I missed out on capturing... Waaa, yeah I know.
It's time to get back to work, just thought I'd share the view!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Edit for better quality? new ones too!!

Hey guys, I had to load the black and white of the heart. The colored one was all fuzzy. I've also included a couple of old ones that I sold as well. I'm putting together more designs and yes Tofe, I'm thinking flash cards for tatoos as well. I have sooo many of these designs it's ridiculous, but I think all of them are marketable in some area somewhere, wheather it be flash cards, t-shirt designs, scrap booking, whatever. I'm working on translating all the ones still in sketch for to camera ready artwork and putting them all on disk, that way I'll have them all in one place.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Art old Veterans and new stuff

Hey all, sorry I've been absent for so long. You know how my attention span is:) So here are some samples of what I've been up to lately. A friend of a friend hooked me up with a lady that owns a rubber stamping company and I've been doing some work for her. Mostly just sending her stuff I already had in my computer at $35.00 a pop. Here are two samples of new stuff I did this week. Obviously her company is working a few months in advance, thus the subject matter.
For those of you who may not of heard, Dave Cockrum died two weeks ago this Saturday. For the uninitiated, Dave co created the New Uncanny X-Men along with Len Wein in 1976 and revitalized the franchise. Yes, he created Wolverine. You're welcome Marvel.
I met Mr. Cockrum twice in my years, once in New York in '90 where I actually attained a sketch from him for free ( Just a Night crawler BAMP!!) but he was nice enough to do it jokingly. I met him again in "02 in Louisville at a Toys and Miniatures convention. He was in a wheel chair and looked very sickly. My heart ached for him then and I got a little choked up on it when they mentioned his passing on Stern last week. Recognize.
I won't be absent so long next time. I promise.